viernes, 1 de julio de 2011


Date/Session number.
Monday, 14th January, 2012.
The students have to write, edit, analyze and comprehend in a critical way how to read and speak.
1. - Prepare in pairs a dialogue about “How to say hello?” For this activity, you have to write and edit information about yourself, after that, you will have to show in front of the class.

Friday, 18th January, 2012
The students have to produce and write specific words that they don’t know. They have to edit and reproduce the words.
2. - Practice in pairs words that you don’t know (in Spanish and English) about how to take care children. After that, you have to write down in your copybook and finally you have to make a list in whiteboard and tell to the class why you chose those words.

Monday, 21st January, 2012
The students have to compose a story, they have to identify and recognize some ideas.
 3. - Make a story about you and your daily routine in taking care children. Do you like your job? Do you feel good when you are learning to write and read children in the house you are working? Write one sheet about yourself and your work as a takecarer.

Friday, 25th January, 2012
Analyze and criticize a movie, decipher the main purpose or purposes of this movie.
4. – Watch “La Nana’s movie” and analyze the social context given there. After that, make a summary and give your impressions and opinions about this movie. Do you believe this movie is closer to the reality?  Justify your answers and finally discuss in groups of four.

Monday, 28th January, 2012
Reflect, edit and write information about how to be a better takecarer.
5. - Create and “ideal story” about how to be a better takecarer (about psychological, social, economical and cultural aspects) and relate in front of the class, after that give your opinion about the theme “How to be a better takecarer nowadays?”

Friday, 2nd February, 2012
Compose, edit and write a specific instrument focused to takecarer workers.
6. - Make an interview about the importance of English Language as a takecarer and his/her work. Make a summary about takecarer impression. What do you think about the results? Is it necessary the takecarer in Chile earn a better salary and speak in a properly way English? Deduce and justify your answers.

Monday, 5th February, 2012

7. - Write a novel about your experience as a takecarer (in the novel you have to write down around twenty pages); be critical in your story and expose a summary of this one. (For this activity is important ask for some help the teacher when you think it is necessary).

Friday, 9th January, 2012
Edit, rewrite and consider specific information about this topic.
8. - Prepare a Power Point Presentation (PPT’s Presentation) about advantages and disadvantages of being a takecarer in Chile. Make an analysis about this topic and make a discussion (around ten minutes).

Monday, 12th February, 2012.
Look for, analyze and deduce specific information about takecarer workers.
9. - Choose an article about takecarer in Chile, read it in a critical way, deduce and analyze it and finally, make a rationale about it.

Friday, 15th February, 2012.
Compose and create a script. Make and produce a role play. Analyze and deduce the information.
10. - Write down the script, after that,    Make a role play about “How to be a good takecarer?” and finally show the class and teacher you work.

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