viernes, 1 de julio de 2011



Assesment: My own rubric.

Fluency in speaking process. Perfect!
Speak in a good way, understandable. Improve yourself!
Speak in a basic way; really you need more practice.
Too bad, you need how to speak. Study, please!
Excellent comprehension in listening English.
Good way of listening specific information, but you can do better!
Listen to in a basic way; really you need to practice more.
Poor listening comprehension, please listen to more music and videos. It is good for you!
Excellent analysis in reading processes. Good job!
Good ways of analysis reading comprehension, but you have to work worth on reading skills.
Read very basic. Please read articles that you like and analyze them.
Poor reading, please read something, you must do that for your learning process.
Excellent writing processes. Great Job!
Writing in a good way, but practice more, it is important for you. Go ahead!
Write in a basic way. Please study more about reading processes.
Poor writing process. Please, you must write and correct with your partners. Please, make the best for improving your writing procces.

Comments (written by the teacher):

Recommendations (written by the teacher):


Date/Session number.
Monday, 14th January, 2012.
The students have to write, edit, analyze and comprehend in a critical way how to read and speak.
1. - Prepare in pairs a dialogue about “How to say hello?” For this activity, you have to write and edit information about yourself, after that, you will have to show in front of the class.

Friday, 18th January, 2012
The students have to produce and write specific words that they don’t know. They have to edit and reproduce the words.
2. - Practice in pairs words that you don’t know (in Spanish and English) about how to take care children. After that, you have to write down in your copybook and finally you have to make a list in whiteboard and tell to the class why you chose those words.

Monday, 21st January, 2012
The students have to compose a story, they have to identify and recognize some ideas.
 3. - Make a story about you and your daily routine in taking care children. Do you like your job? Do you feel good when you are learning to write and read children in the house you are working? Write one sheet about yourself and your work as a takecarer.

Friday, 25th January, 2012
Analyze and criticize a movie, decipher the main purpose or purposes of this movie.
4. – Watch “La Nana’s movie” and analyze the social context given there. After that, make a summary and give your impressions and opinions about this movie. Do you believe this movie is closer to the reality?  Justify your answers and finally discuss in groups of four.

Monday, 28th January, 2012
Reflect, edit and write information about how to be a better takecarer.
5. - Create and “ideal story” about how to be a better takecarer (about psychological, social, economical and cultural aspects) and relate in front of the class, after that give your opinion about the theme “How to be a better takecarer nowadays?”

Friday, 2nd February, 2012
Compose, edit and write a specific instrument focused to takecarer workers.
6. - Make an interview about the importance of English Language as a takecarer and his/her work. Make a summary about takecarer impression. What do you think about the results? Is it necessary the takecarer in Chile earn a better salary and speak in a properly way English? Deduce and justify your answers.

Monday, 5th February, 2012

7. - Write a novel about your experience as a takecarer (in the novel you have to write down around twenty pages); be critical in your story and expose a summary of this one. (For this activity is important ask for some help the teacher when you think it is necessary).

Friday, 9th January, 2012
Edit, rewrite and consider specific information about this topic.
8. - Prepare a Power Point Presentation (PPT’s Presentation) about advantages and disadvantages of being a takecarer in Chile. Make an analysis about this topic and make a discussion (around ten minutes).

Monday, 12th February, 2012.
Look for, analyze and deduce specific information about takecarer workers.
9. - Choose an article about takecarer in Chile, read it in a critical way, deduce and analyze it and finally, make a rationale about it.

Friday, 15th February, 2012.
Compose and create a script. Make and produce a role play. Analyze and deduce the information.
10. - Write down the script, after that,    Make a role play about “How to be a good takecarer?” and finally show the class and teacher you work.


Lesson Plan Template
Date: Monday, 14th, January.
Learning Objectives:

1. - The students will have to create dialogues using thinking and writing procedures like analysis, reediting and rewriting for instance.

General content:

1. - Prepare in pairs a dialogue about “How to say hello?” For this activity, you have to write and edit information about yourself, after that, you will have to show in front of the class.
Present simple.

-Verbs and adjectives.

-Questions words

Instructional Procedures:

The teacher gives to the students a prototype of a text about how to greet people. The students have to read and create own dialogue.

1. - Prepare in pairs a dialogue about “How to say hello?” For this activity, you have to write and edit information about yourself, after that, you will have to show in front of the class.

Did the student…?
…know my objectives? 

…actively engage with
new material?

…work together on a

…get feedback On
their performance?
…present new material?
This activity will be presented to the students, explaining by the teacher in the whiteboard and using a power point presentation and the material required.

Material Needed
-text about how to greet in English.

-slideshow material.


…elicit performance?

The activity will measure their oral and speaking skills, there is a rubric to evaluate it.

In this class we will see :
1. - Prepare in pairs a dialogue about “How to say hello?” For this activity, you have to write and edit information about yourself, after that, you will have to show in front of the class.

…assess performance?
The student will be assessed through a rubric.

Looking for ways of greeting in English.

Do a sketch about it.
…enhance retention?
The student will have to create a dialogue.

Test Questions Ideas from Today’s objectives.

The students will answer some questions given by the teacher, such as: what do you think about this class? What will you change in this activity? These questions are made to know if there are any doubts about the activity and to provide feedback to the students.

Resulst of the needs analysis and Rationale.

Results of the needs analysis.

My results of this project has been focused in how to learn in an effective way English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and English for Specific Purposes (ESP); in this case, I chose communicative English because people here need how to express and talk in a properly way. Because of this situation, obviously English not only needs speaking and listening, in this course of two months years, (Communicative and Auditive aspects; which are include in six months that are start in January to June).Also, I will include in my course  the last three months, Reading and Writing because I believe in the importance how to understand not only we can speak and listen to people, for this reason, they will have to get the capacity of doing a good writing process and reading in a structured way.

But, firstly we have to learn how to communicate and understand main and specific ideas when somebody is talking in another language (in this case English); then how we can write and read in a comprehensive, coherent and profoundly manner some briefs paragraphs, text, articles, etc. Finally, this course, in my opinion is a complete for beginners’ learners and if they want to learn more.


The importance of teaching and learning around the world is increasing because of the people’s needs (how they can express their ideas and feelings), and also for specific purposes like relationships between colleagues or friends. It depends of the context, English has transformated in a world language and well in this course I want to focus how we can learn to the students ESP. In this case, English as a tool of communication and expression in real life. This course is specially focused in oral language and of course in listening, recognizing the requirements and needs of how to speak and listen correctly when somebody is speaking to you in English. The another two skills like reading and writing I will consider in the last part because I believe if you speak and listen to in a good way, also another two skills will be easier for learning. It is important to learn writing as a process where you can build (editing and drafting) for making goods works in writing area; we don’t forget in reading process because it is important to focus in how to learn to read in a properly way. Finally, English needs the four skills because it is important learning in a effective way and applying to real life. 

Entrevista sobre ESP.


Nombre: Edmundo Eugenio González Esteban.
Edad: 60 años.
Profesión: Encargado de Asuntos de Relaciones Interiores y Exteriores.
Lugar de trabajo: Las Salinas, Viña del Mar, Chile.

1.- ¿Cuál es su necesidad por aprender inglés? ¿Cuál es el valor de saber el idioma? (Refiérase a su especialidad, por ejemplo, inglés para negocios, inglés técnico, etc). Fundamente su respuesta.

R: Mi necesidad por aprender inglés va enfocada en el aspecto comunicativo y de comprensión; cuando tenga que recibir personas del extranjero (que hablen inglés), por la necesidad de comunicar e informar sobre proyectos habitacionales y de construcción, en los cuáles, aparte de comunicarse se necesita dialogar en ciertos términos técnicos relacionados con la compra y venta de terrenos.

2.- ¿Qué aspectos del idioma desea reforzar (comunicacional y auditivo; escrito y lectura)? Dé una opinión de valor.
R: La verdad, por lo que usted me pregunta, creo que lo primero que deberíamos ver es lo comunicacional y auditivo, ya que, éstos serían fundamentales en el momento de tener que expresarme con otras personas que necesiten exponerme sus ideas acerca de proyectos e ideas que quieran desarrollar aquí en Viña del Mar. Pero, no debemos dejar de lado si usted profesor piensa lo mismo que yo, que en el ámbito escrito y de lectura sería ideal, que también nos enseñara inglés, debido a la gran cantidad de documentos, que, justamente están en el idioma inglés que debo analizar y sinceramente me cuesta comprender lo que allí dicen.

3.-  ¿Cree usted que sea importante que el profesor sea cercano cuándo le explique un contenido y se lo deba reforzar? Fundamente y responda adecuadamente.
R: Creo y siento que el profesor debe ser cercano a mí, por ende, pienso que la necesidad de sentir a un profesor más cerca del estudiante permite que puedan despejarse con más respeto y confianza las dudas que puedan emerger en mi proceso de aprendizaje, de este modo, poder conversar con el profesor.


Nombre: Liliana del Carmen Cantillano Valdés.
Edad: 61 años.
Profesión: Cuidadora de Niños.
Lugar de trabajo: Casa de un familiar de Villa Alemana.

1.- ¿Cuál es su necesidad por aprender inglés? ¿Cuál es el valor de saber el idioma? (Refiérase a su especialidad, por ejemplo, inglés para negocios, inglés técnico, etc). Fundamente su respuesta.

R: La verdad, quiero expandirme y poder cuidar niños y niñas de personas extranjeras (que hablen inglés) que vengan de vacaciones y que necesiten una cuidadora de niños, creo que sería una experiencia enriquecedora e interesante para mí, por este motivo, profesor decidí tomar su curso personalizado (porque somos pocos estudiantes y es ideal para aprender), ya que, para mí sería ideal poder tener contacto con otras culturas y aprender de sus gustos y costumbres, a través del habla y el poder comprender lo que me dicen (aspecto relacionado a los sonidos y la expresión de las palabras).

2.-  ¿Qué aspectos del idioma desea reforzar (comunicacional y auditivo; escrito y lectura)? Dé una opinión de valor.
R: Desearía poder reforzar el aspecto comunicacional y auditivo, eso para mí, como cuidadora de niños y niñas siento que es primera prioridad, después me interesaría lo que sería la lectura y escritura, en el caso de los niños y niñas que necesiten ayuda para expresarse en un modo básico de un idioma a otro (ser como su “traductora” de sus amigos y amigas).

3.-     ¿Cree usted que sea importante que el profesor sea cercano cuándo le explique un contenido y se lo deba reforzar? Fundamente y responda adecuadamente.
R: Sí, por supuesto, porque a mí me gusta que el profesor; explique muy bien y en detalle lo que enseña y además que sea cercano, que conozca mi realidad y las necesidades que tengo como cuidadora de niños. El profesor debe estar cerca y ser empático y tolerante y poder comprender como manejaría ciertas situaciones y circunstancias. La Educación debe ser de todos modos cercana  a la gente.

lunes, 6 de junio de 2011





miércoles, 1 de junio de 2011


(Excuse me if I repeat the information because I am a little tired)...

viernes, 27 de mayo de 2011


miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011

My Webquest (explanation)

First of all, I am going to choose "Halloween's celebration", this will be my task and I am going to make a role-play about it; in this case, I am going to present a "sketch or show" about this celebration. 

jueves, 28 de abril de 2011

lunes, 18 de abril de 2011

I want to share this information...

English in Nursery School

Also I want to add this one

English in Nursery School.

First of all, I'm going to make a class about: What's your favorite color? Children's Song and What's your favorite sport? and What's your favorite food?  (this activity is a hole one) and I want to choose another activity about Dream English-Let's Count 1 to 10! (it's a soundscript activity) . My main objective is  focused about TRP and Audio-Lingual metodologies and also I want to teach simple things to the children like colours, sports, foods and count numbers 1 to 10 for repetition and physical activities (if you pay attention to these materials, little students should follow the leader (teacher) and understand basic concepts developed there). Enjoy and learn with your Teacher, Cristian!

lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

Syllabus (finished version)

Syllabus Template.

Syllabus template. 7th Grade.    English.


Instructor. Cristian Gonzalez.                                                                                      

Phone number: (09) 97105327.

Office hours: 11.00 – 12.00 Thursday & Friday.

Class hours: 10.00 – 11.00 Monday & Wednesday.

Course description: This course involves two important skills for learning English: listening and writing. It’s necessary to work some exercises with those skills and the most relevant for this course is the students are able to write correctly and to listen in a good a comprehensive way.

Location in the Curriculum: Idioma extranjero Inglés.

Course objectives: For listening: to comprehending and to discriminating different sounds in a conversation according to given texts in the coursebook. For writing: to making exercises for understanding the meaning of the statements and to give a sense to them. Well and finally to composing paragraphs and documents in a correct way.

Course Format.

Course requirements: This course has the following requirements: The students could pass with 75%, quizzes will be five with 10% and one exam with 50%. It’s significant to consider participation in class because that shows interest and preoccupation in the subject. In case of absence students will have to present a medical certificate.

Required texts.

Required readings: Elementary Student’s Book. New Headway, English Course. Liz and Joan Soars.

Date/Session number.
4th April. Session 1.
Discriminating different sounds and writing correctly the conversation according to given text in the book. Discuss with your partner the answers.
Listen and read about Ali and Bob. Page 20. Unit 3.
6th April. Session 2.
Imagine that you are a citizen and suddenly a tourist needs your help how to moving around in the city. First of all, with your partner making a paragraph about how to helping a tourist, so for that you have to create a role-play and to showing to the class.
Look at the street map. Where can you buy these things? Unit 5. Page 43.
11th April. Session 3.
To creating a shopping list with your partner and to making a role-play together and finally to showing to the class.
Work with a partner . Make a shopping list each and role-play conversations between Miss Potts and a customer. Unit 9. Page 70.
13th April. Session 4.
To analyzing carefully the pictures and then to describing with details physical characteristics to the people. To sharing with your partner your answers and to checking in the whiteboard if they are correct.
Look at the photographs. Describe the people. Page 82. Unit 11.
18th April. Session 5.
20th April. Session 6.
To analyzing carefully the sentences and to complete with the correct words.
Listen to the questions. Complete the answers with his/hers or theirs. Page 84. Unit 9.
25th April. Session 7.
2th May. Session 8.
To analyzing carefully questions about the forecast and then to writing with missing words and finally dramatizing with a partner a brief report about the forecast and to exposuring to the class
Listen and complete the answers. Page 96. Unit 12.
4th May. Session 9.
To Identifying and to listening carefully the conversation, then to writing with missing words and finally to making a role- play and to exposuring to the class.
Ann is  at Oxford Station.Listen and complete the conversation. Then practice with a partner. Page 105. Unit 13.
9th May. Session 10.
To identifying and to listening carefully the conversation and then to deducing if the things he has done are right or wrong. After that compare your answers with your partner.
Listen to Ryan’s talking about his life and tick the things he has done. Page 108. Unit 14.
11th May. Session 11.
To paying attention carefully and to analyzing the conversations, after that choosing a place that it has given in the coursebook and finally making a role-play with your partner creating a situation in the different contexts that are given in the coursebook and to exposing to the class.
Listen to the conversations. Who are the people? Where are they? Choose from these places. Page 113. Unit 14.
16th May. Session 12.
To examining well the statements and then to analyzing with your partner which are the statements are correct, and finally write your answers and share with your partners.
What is going to happen? Use these verbs. Page 92. Unit 12.
18th May. Session 13.
To analyzing first the statement, and after that to writing them properly, so far to comparing with your partner if the answers are correct and finally to making a revision with the teacher.
Put a sentence from exercise 5 into each gap.
23th May. Session14.
To recognizing the sound and to writing them appropriately, to comparing with your partners and finally to rewieving with the teacher in the whiteboard.
Write two of the words on each line according to the sound. Page 88. Unit 11.
25th May. Session 15.
To making a role playing and to showing in pairs to the class.
Make more conversations with a partner. Page 85. Unit 11.
30th May. Session 16.
To listening carefully the conversation and to writing correctly the words.
Listen again and complete the table. Page 84. Unit 11.
1th June. Session 17.
To listening, comprehending the conversation and to reviewing if the words are in the list.
Listen to Daisy and Tommy talking about they like and they don’t like. Tick the food and drink in the lists on page 66 that they both like. Page 67. Unit 9.
6th June. Session 18.
To identifying missing words in the sentence and to writing them. To sharing with your partner and the teacher if the words are correct in the sentences.
Complete the sentences with a word from exercise 1. Page 63. Unit 8.
8th June. Session 19.
To recognizing all phonetics sounds and to writing correctly and then examining if the words are right or wrong.
Write the words. They all have silent letters. Page 58. Unit 7.
13th June. Session 20.
To identifying where you have to put the correct words and then you have to write the sentences adequately.
Complete the sentences with did, was, or were. Page 54. Unit 7.